Vibe magazine logo
Vibe magazine logo

Kelly Victims Awarded $10.5M Over 'Surviving R. In this image the artist is wearing black and in the image on the front cover, the artist is wearing all white, this shows that the artist only wears bland colours to show binary oppositions to emphasise the colour scheme that Vibe magazine are using.R.

vibe magazine logo

The artist is still wearing bling in this photo like the front cover which still infers that the artist is showing off their wealth through what they are wearing. It also gets the reader to wonder about what the artist is looking at so they are more likely to read the artists article to see if that says anything about why they are looking into the distance for dramatic effect. It also gives the artist some space to look at, which means that there is room for the artist to look off into the distance to add some effect into the image. There is some dead space on the page which means that there is more focus on the artist rather than what is going on next to them or around them. The Vibe logo is placed in the top right corner so that it isn’t in the way of the features, and so that the reader can see what magazine they are reading without looking at the front cover. The word “features” is written in black and it is on a white background so that it stands more and so that the reader knows what the page is incase they forget. They have done this so that they stand out from other magazines and so that they can be original. Instead of writing the conventional title saying, “contents page”, they have decided to write “features”. The main article for Kendrick Lamar is also highlighted and bigger than the rest of the articles so that the people who bought the magazine to read the main article, can go straight to it instead of hunting round trying to find the article. They have also changed the size of the name of the articles so that they are bigger than the article description which is underneath them. The magazine had used the blue colour to underline the main articles which will be featuring in the magazine so that the reader can find the articles they want straight away rather than having the reader searching for the articles that they want to read.


They have used there similar colour scheme so that they can fit with a patter so that the magazine looks more professional and not really messy and unorganised. The contents page follows a similar colour scheme to the one that they used on the front cover except they added a blue colour to the red, white and black that they used on the front cover.

vibe magazine logo

This suggests that the magazine are using the popularity and fame of the artist to sell the magazine, because if people see the artist and want to read the article about them, then they are likely to buy the magazine just for the artist rather than reading the whole magazine. The artist could be classed as being more important then the magazine itself because the artist is the centre of the magazine and is bigger than the logo on the page.

vibe magazine logo

The fact that the artist is stood in the middle of the page and is surrounded by the text suggests that the artist is an important and big feature in the magazine. There is a large picture of the main artist stood in the middle of the page with the text surrounding it. The masthead for the contents page is just the Vibe logo and the word “features” and is done in a sans serif typography which cannotes that it is informal and a more casual font. This is the contents page for the Vibe magazine.

Vibe magazine logo