Our Huntington Park offers the follow programs: Medical Assistant, Medical Billing & Coding, Veterinary Assistant, and Massage Therapy & Physical Therapy Aide. For any additional information, visit us online at call us at (951) 729-5320 or (323) 585-9000 American College of Healthcare and Technology has two convenient locations. While notes are important, having the recall of lecture because you were engaged is what can really give you an advantage over those who are only “hearing” the lecture. Listening to the words being told, on top of effective note taking give you the best chance to succeed. In the medical field, there are dozens upon dozens terms to know. In the classroom is where listening, compared to just hearing is so important. Listening can be thrown off and turn to hearing with ease if you do not agree with the person that is talking. Distractions can be as simple as someone speaking to worrying about what you are having for dinner. Distractions many may think are just the physical things going on around you, but mental distractions can be just as distracting as physical ones. One of the keys to listening effectively is by eliminating distractions. Active listening in the same situation happens but the words the listener is hearing are not just being heard but understood as well and the message the speaker is getting across becomes clear to the listener. Passive listening the person hears the words, but the information is not sticking.

Listening leads to learning.” Even within listening, there are passive and active listeners.

Listening requires concentration so that your brain processes meaning from words and sentences. Listening, however, is something you consciously choose to do. If you are not hearing-impaired, hearing simply happens. The University of Minnesota Duluth describes it as “Hearing is simply the act of perceiving sound by the ear. Listening is an acquired skill that needs to be tuned, but once it is acquired it can be one of the most useful tools you can use in school. Hearing is something we do all the time whether that’s the lawnmower outside or the roar of traffic on a busy day. That is the biggest difference between simply hearing someone, and listening to someone. An emission refers to the sound generated within the normal cochlear of the ear in response to stimulation.Sometimes you’re talking to someone and what they are saying is so boring that you just start to tune them out, but as soon as they mention something that interests you, your ears perk up and you hold on to every word they say. Otoacoustic Emission (OAE Hearing Test) – This measures hair cell function in the inner ear.This hearing test measures how effective your acoustic reflexes are. Acoustic Reflexes – When your ears are stimulated by sounds, there is an involuntary muscle contraction in the middle ear.Tympanometry – This hearing test uses varying air pressures to measure the condition of the middle ear as well as the mobility of the eardrum and the conduction bones.Speech Audiometry – A measure of your ability to comprehend speech.Pure Tone Audiometry – A behavioral test that is used to gauge hearing sensitivity, providing us with an indication of the softest sound that’s audible to you.If you have a clogged ear due to earwax, we will remove the build-up before the hearing test. Otoscopy – A visual examination of your ears and ear canal, looking for debris, earwax build-up, inflammation, and infection.